Education Center for
Semiconductors and Value Creation

We educate "specialists who create new value with semiconductors".

We educate value-creating human resources who are specialists in the materials, design, and manufacturing of semiconductors and integrated circuits, at the same time who understand semiconductors and integrated circuits required for social change, and who can reflect this in the design and manufacture.

What's New

(Deadline extended to December 31st). NTU Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program: If you would like to participate, please contact us at the email address below. class_program[at]ecsvc.ed.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Information session of “Study abroad program at KYU-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States” will be held on Nov. 26th.
URL for the information session
Kyushu University & University of Twente Joint Workshop on Deeptech will be held.
Topics: Quantum Photonic computing, Photonic devices, Neuron circuits, 3D micro systems and lab-on-a-chip. Target: Current students and staff
Education Center for Semiconductors and Value Creation was started.